Within the scope of the Extraordinary Financial Support for Multiannual Research Projects in Archaeology 2021, the project currently ongoing in Perdigões (Perdigões: prime and crisis of a large ditch enclosure – APOCRI-Perd) received the maximum funding, corresponding to 10 000€. According to the criteria established for the applications, this funding will be applied to a set of analyses, distributed between radiocarbon dates, strontium analysis to determine mobility and an archaeozoological study.
The contexts that will be analysed are part of the central area of Perdigões (Sector Q), which is currently being excavated within the scope of the abovementioned project. Thus, ten radiocarbon dates will be carried out, which, together with those already existing, will make it possible to refine the chronology of the stratigraphic sequence of the 3rd millennium BC that has been recorded there and to develop a Bayesian approach to that sequence; strontium values will be analysed to determine the mobility patterns of a set of approximately thirty to forty animal samples (raising the number of animals analysed to around six to seven tens), with particular emphasis on dogs, horses and cattle. Finally, a very wide range of faunal remains (more than a thousand remains) deposited along the stratigraphic sequence of a specific area of Sector Q, between the timber circle and the stone cairn that ends the sequence, will be studied, significantly increasing the already high number of faunal remains studied in Perdigões, which currently exceeds 28000 remains (one of the largest, if not the largest, faunal assemblage of a site studied for Portuguese Recent Prehistory).