The Perdigões project will participate in the next international meeting of “Archéologie & Gobelets” (Archaeology and Beakers), taking place on the 21st and 22nd of January 2021, with two communications dealing with some of the particularities of the Beaker presence on the site, namely in what regards its social performance:

“The plurality of beaker social roles: the depositions in the center of Perdigões ditched enclosure (South Portugal).” – António Carlos Valera * and Ana Catarina Basílio **

“The duality of Beakers: possible social roles of oddly decorated S-Shaped vessels from SW Iberia” – Ana Catarina Basílio ** and António Carlos Valera *

* Era Arqueologia SA / ICArEHB – University of Algarve

** ICArEHB – University of Algarve / FCT Ph.D. scholarship

(Perdigões Global Archaeological Research Program – INARP – Coordinated by NIA-ERA Arqueologia SA).
